Brewster Conservation Trust is proud to be a member of the Pollinator Pathway Cape Cod.
The Pollinator Pathway project is organized by volunteers from town conservation organizations working together to establish pollinator-friendly habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinating insects and wildlife along a series of continuous corridors.
Pollination enables plants in our yards, parks, farms, and orchards to reproduce. There are over 4000 species of bees native to the United States, and they play a vital role in pollinating the plants we rely on in our communities. Pollinator populations are in sharp decline because of pesticide use and loss of habitat. The threat to pollinators is a threat to us!
Our local pollinators have evolved to depend on our local plants. BCT has two properties listed on the Pollinator Pathway. The large meadows at both of these locations serve as important habitat where pollinators can find native plants and trees free of pesticides that provide critical nutrients for them.

Brewster Conservation Trust's Windmill Meadows is located next to Brewster's Drummer Boy Park on Route 6A. This meadow grows on about 2.5 acres and can be enjoyed through all seasons. In the summer you can follow a path through the meadow, where you might see butterflies, dragonflies, and ladybugs. In the fall you can enjoy the red sumac leaves and autumn colors. In the center of the meadow is a picnic table under large Cherry Tree.
Brewster Conservation Trust's Eddy Sisters property is located on the south side of Lower Rd, about 1/4 mile from the Eddy Bay Trail. Hikers can walk a numbered trail through maple swamp, upland forest, old cranberry bogs and farms. Upon exiting the trail in late summer hikers are treated to a large field of goldenrod and a purple haze of Joe Pye-weed that rises over this low field. Named after a Native American known as Joe Pye, this plant was used to combat typhus fever throughout New England. Eddy Sisters is also home to Brewster's Community Gardens where you can walk on a pathway to the west of the gardens, around a wonderful wild meadow.