Brewster voters have a chance to add 30 more acres of protected conservation land at no cost at the November 15 Special Town Meeting. The meeting will be held at the Stony Brook School at 7pm. We hope you will attend and vote yes and encourage others.
Article 6 asks the voters to preserve 20 acres of pondfront property (see photo). This land, sandwiched between Route 6, Route 137 and Grassy Pond, was acquired as part of the development/expansion of the Captains’ Golf Course, owned by the Town. Owing to its environmental sensitivity, the 20 acres were set aside from the golf course, but are still under control of the golf course commission. Article 6 will vest custody in the Town Conservation Commission to preserve the natural features, including 2,000 feet of shoreline on Grassy and Mud Ponds.
Article 18 proposes that the Town dedicate about 10 acres, acquired years ago for non-payment of taxes, to the Conservation Commission. This tract is located on the side of Brewster’s highest hill (130 feet high!) next to Nickerson State Park. It is part of a mosaic of town-owned pine-oak forest stretching to Baker’s Pond on the Orleans town line.
The Brewster Conservation Trust supports these articles as they will protect more than 30 acres of upland within the District of Critical Planning Concern. We applaud town leaders for bringing forward these proposals. We also support articles offered by the Dept. of Natural Resources to improve the beaches, town landings and herring run.