Voters at the Special Town Meeting held on November 12 overwhelmingly approved a proposal that the Town purchase two subdivision tracts of land totaling 82 acres for $1.8 million. It is the largest open space purchase to come before the voters in many years, perhaps since the late-1980s.
Both parcels are critical for aquifer protection, as they lie over the zones of contribution to multiple drinking water supply wells used by Brewster and Dennis. Both parcels, 27 acres on Freemans Way and 55 acres on Slough Road, also abut large, existing town-owned conservation lands, expanding the forested wildlife habitat. In total, 29 already-permitted building lots will be extinguished by the open space purchase.
There will be no increase to the local tax bills from these acquisitions: funding is expected from the Brewster Water Dept., the Town Community Preservation Fund, and perhaps State grants. At $22,000 per acre, BCT believes that the Town is getting good value for these important natural lands.
The land purchase was supported by the Brewster Board of Selectmen, Community Preservation Committee, Conservation Commission and Water Commission. BCT prepared a hand-out at Town Meeting, describing the importance of the purchases for habitat and wellfield protection and including a Cape Cod Times editorial in support. We thank our many supporters who voted YES to preserve strategic open space parcels in Brewster.