This week, almost 400 Town Meeting voters approved Article 22, authorizing Brewster’s share of $375,000 towards the $750,000 Matthews’ 22.57-acre purchase.
Town Open Space Comm. Chair Elizabeth Taylor presented the motion to approve and handled the few questions with aplomb. BCT’s Peter Johnson and Peter Soule had organized the 550 postcard mail-out to BCT members in town, part of the get out the vote campaign. We thank all of you who made it to Town Meeting and stayed around late for this vote.
The Brewster Finance Committee announced, prior to the Matthews vote, that they had met again last week and changed their votes. What apparently had been a decisive recommendation against the purchase in March, turned to a 4-3 vote in favor in April, then to a near unanimous vote in favor last week. The Board of Selectmen has been steady and strong in their support, unanimously throughout the year.
Next stop: Orleans Town Meeting next Monday, 10 May. Assuming Orleans TM approval of its share of the cost, then a special election on 18 May will follow to ratify the vote and exempt the Town funding from Prop. 2 1/2 limits. Please urge your Orleans friends to vote at Town Meeting there and at the special election in favor of this land purchase.
Thanks to all for the good work and support for this ambitious inter-municipal partnership!