The Brewster Conservation Trust played an integral role in the passage of a landmark Brewster zoning bylaw that has made the town a model for innovative planning, resource protection and open space preservation. The bylaw, called Natural Resource Protection Design, or NRPD, applies to the areas of Brewster containing the town’s drinking water supply and […]
A Win at Winn’s Point!
The wooden stakes are still there, their tips rotting in the ground. They show where the pondfront house was slated to be built eight years ago, perched on the side of a steep bank leading to Upper Mill Pond. Now, thanks to the BCT, the stakes can be pulled up and the 2.3 acres can […]
Top off the Quivett Marsh Fund
The sign, “Save this View,” is gone from the Quivett Marsh Vista overlook and the town, working with the Brewster Conservation Trust, has made some significant improvements for your enjoyment, with fenced parking space, paths and a picnic table. But the tract beside Rt. 6A in West Brewster is not fully paid for yet and the need for your help continues. Click here for our 2.5 […]