Please attend Town Meeting, Monday, May 3rd at 7pm at Stony Brook School (Underpass Road)! We need your votes at Brewster Town Meeting to preserve a critical open space for water supply protection. The Town of Brewster has a chance to preserve 39 acres for $375,000.
The Town Open Space Committee negotiated the purchase of 23 acres from the Matthews for $750,000. The Brewster Selectmen and Community Preservation Committee have endorsed the purchase, so long as Brewster is limited to half that amount or $375,000. The other half of the funds would come from the Town of Orleans or a State grant. Orleans is interested in participating because this parcel is the largest remaining developable parcel in the zone of contribution to that town’s wellfields. Orleans Town Meeting will vote their share of funds at Town Meeting on May 10th and in a special election soon to follow.
Brewster will apply for a State LAND grant this summer. If Brewster succeeds in securing the State grant, and Orleans participates, that could reduce Brewster’s share of purchase price even further, to as low as $187,500, or $8,150 per acre.
Article 21 at Brewster Town Meeting seeks to transfer four town-owned tax taking parcels to the Conservation Commission, with Orleans to hold a wellfield restriction as part of the negotiated two-town package. We need your YES vote on Article 21.
Article 22 seeks approval of the 23-acre Matthews parcel purchase for conservation and wellfield protection. We need your YES vote on Article 22; a two-thirds majority is needed.